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 I launder everything that is listed here, and attempt to remove any stains and complete repairs so each garment is ready to wear (barring wrinkles out of the package) when you receive it. I will always describe and photograph any major flaws in a garment, but normal vintage wear (pilling, fading) is to be expected, but some minor flaws may go unnoticed. Items may not be returned if they are damaged after wear. All items are dry-cleaned or hand-washed prior to listing, unless otherwise specified.

All listings are graded on a excellent-poor scale, which is determined by the guidelines listed below:

  •  Excellent: Like-new, no visible stains or tears.

  • Good: Sturdy garment, some mends, light stains, pilling, or pinholes.

  • Fair: Delicate but wearable, showing significant mending or damage but wearable with work or if the wearer does not mind some defects.

  • Poor: garments for study only or in need of significant mending to make wearable.